Grown a lot, suffered a lot, laughed, cried, played..
God was so gracious for everything! i mean, He's my shepherd.. my Guide, my Father, my best friend, my all.. However, i feel guilty for not surrendering everything to Him, for not obeying Him, for all those sins that i've commited. I am ashamed to see Him, I'm too afraid.. i wanna be His favourite, but I've hurt Him.. I've lost his trust, i dont go to Him anymore.. it will take a lotta courage for me to step into church again.. for sure.. but i really dont know how yet.. until 1 day... 1 day when im ready.. 1 day
been betrayed again this year, trusted in wrong people, but i will never stop loving! thats what i mean.. i wont.. Yes, i admit, i've been hurt, i've suffered, but through that all, i realised that i need people being there for me when i was goin thru all those.. therefore, i wont give up! i continue to grow, love and give out all the love i could give to everyone, especially to those who will be going through the same thing i do!