Friday, October 3, 2008

Tribute to Benjamin

"To the woman I will marry one day, this is my promise to you - I will be the man that God designed and desires me to be for you. I desire to the greatest father in the world to our kids and together we will raise a family that will change this world! Whoever you are, I want to love you. And I love you. I want to love our kids. I love our kids."

Imagine a guy telling you this! How would you feel? Lol! Every girl would just melt listening a guy telling this to them...This is a quote that my best friend wrote on his facebook notes. To be honest I'm quite awed and amazed of how he can be.. Of course, that's no surprise... He has always loved kids, and the kids love him! (this was because I was his collegue in Tadika Rajawali...) no surprise! He is an extremely creative guy and the love and passion that he has for kids, it's incomparable to anyone else I know.

Nowadays, the world lacks in commitment and compassion. This is one of the reason why more and more single mothers are formed in this face of earth. Not many men want kids of their own.. In fact, most of them would shun their responsibilities as father to their children and worse, some of the idiots even have the guts to convince their giflfriend/ wife to perform an abortion because they do not want this "burden".

Lets just put the kids issue aside, shall we? Most men can't even keep themselves commited in a serious relationship. All they ever wanted was to sleep with girls and find another flings the next day. To be honest, I'm quite disgusted of those men.. These guys totally toyed with girls' feelings, then they just throw them aside. If the girl they slept with found theirselves pregnant, they could just convince her into an abortion..What is this world becoming? Where is all the love and compassion? Where is the love?

Ben, kudos to you. I will keep you in my prayers. May God bless you with the one you trully love and that she will give you unconditionally in return. I know that God is so going to bless you with a very very happy family!

lesson well learnt

Now that I come to know this, I've grown so much since the last time I was in high school. The adults were right. We will never learn anything about life until we get out of high school and learn about how this society rules.

First of all.. Never trust anyone completely, especially those you think who are close to you. The tip is to always keep a distance to everyone you know.. No matter how nice he/she treats you, don't reveal everything to them. Things can turn out pretty nasty.

Second thing is, never ever show your weaker side to anyone! NO one should see the weaker side of you because once they do, they are going to exploit that weakness of yours. Always remember to let others see the stronger side of you. Nothing more.

Here's the next tip: Being nice is a good thing, but everything has its limit. Being too nice has its consequences. You'll be pushed around by everyone, and eventually, you're a pushover. You always do what people tell you to do without a cause and they can turn around and stab you in the back. These people won't think about what you did to help them. In fact, they were just trying to get the benefit from you. Once they suck out everything they possibly could get from you, they either turn around and bite you or they just throw you away like rubbish.

Consider this lesson well learnt. Even bad memories have a place in a good life. At least I won't be doing nor repeating those mistakes anymore. I've had enough and now I'm not the Yik Min you used to know.. I'm the new me and if you think about using me for anything, think again. Not gonna happen!

xo xo

Monday, March 31, 2008

Passion OF Christ vs Passion FOR Christ

Now what is passion?

Passion means ALL-IN. The stuff we talk about the most in our daily conversation. If we really do have a passion for something, we actually spend time on it. Now if we claimed that we have the passion for Christ, it means that we actually spend time with Him, talk to Him...How many of us actually do that?

People are so occupied with their daily life, may it be assignments, work,tests, that they" Do not have the time for God". I was one of them. Yeah I'm head over heels with Jesus Christ, but who am I to say that my passion is Christ??I can hardly spend time on Him. All I care about is my impending SAT that is just looming around the corner and assignments and quizzes and tests...Shame on me!!

This is what the Devil wants actually. To keep us occupied and to keep us apart from God. Every now and then, I have to be focused and plan my time well, not to let anything to come between me and God almighty.

The passion of Christ is, of course,His people. Lets take a look at His life, shall we? All that He did, carrying the cross and being tortured nd crucified, He did it just for us, His children, so that we can be set free from our sins. Never...and I mean, NEVER had He complained about it. He is our saviour, our friend people! If we can't put our trust and faith in Him, who else can we trust?

Lets make an effort and have the passion for Christ!!